Join us for the launch of the first annual publication of The Magic Hour, a project based in Twentynine Palms, California and organized by Alice Wang and Ben Tong. The publication The Magic Hour No 1/2/3/4 documents four iterations of its first year of programming, featuring works by Gracie Devito, Patricia Fernández, Anne Guro Larsmon, Shana Lutker, Sarah Rara; Mariah Garnett, Stephen Neidich, Michael Parker, Isabel Yellin, Joe Zorrilla; Julia Tcharfas, Tim Ivison; Charles Long, and Phana Phang. The Magic Hour No 1/2/3/4 is published by Golden Spike Press and designed by The Happening Studio.

The Magic Hour Book Launch with Golden Spike Press
MOCA StoreProgram

Thursday, May 23, 2019 5:30pm
The Magic Hour Book Launch with Golden Spike Press
Join us for the launch of the first annual publication of The Magic Hour, a project based in Twentynine Palms, California organized by Alice Wang & Ben Tong.