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Photo by Grant Terzakis 2024.

Photo by Grant Terzakis 2024.

MOCA Teen Program

Photo by Sean MacGillivray, courtesy of The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

Photo by Sean MacGillivray, courtesy of The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

The MOCA Teen Program comprises high school students—juniors and seniors—who are paid to learn about contemporary art and the museum by collaborating on projects, working with artists, and meeting with museum professionals. A MOCA Teen might work with one or more local artists, as well as planning and executing an in-person Teen Night event, online components for Virtual Teen Night, and management of a social media account. This group of arts-interested students will meet at MOCA on Thursday nights and some weekends to work together and support each other on a journey of self-discovery. Please note that contemporary art can involve viewers in exploring imagery and concepts that may elicit confusion and/or discomfort. We view this as an opportunity to learn and we take care to ensure that discussions about difficult topics are constructive and growth-oriented.

Applications for the 2024-25 program are now closed. If you are a junior we encourage you to apply next year! Applications for the 2025-26 cycle will be available after April 13, 2025. Please check this website or follow the program on Instagram (@mocateens) for further updates.

For more information, you can contact and

Teen Night

Photo by Grant Terzakis 2024.

Photo by Grant Terzakis 2024.

Thanks for coming to MOCA Teen Night 2024: Junction_101, a free event created by teens for teens!

A special thank you to our guest performers: The Posts, Kayla Pincus, and Trevor’s Everywhere, and to all the participating visual artists: Mia Rahe-Martinez, Elizabeth K Carcamo, Flynn Rodriguez, Aiden Gavieres, Cole Valerio, Nayeli Romero, Andrew Zoryan, Hadley Boggs, Steph Marie, Noah King, Cedar Cummins, Peter Shpelfogel, Alejandra Martinez, Sawyer Sariñana, Lily Cooper, and Annie High.

MOCA Teen Night is produced every year by the MOCA Teen Program, a group of teens engaging in the work of the museum by collaborating on projects, working with artists, and meeting with museum professionals.

Learn more about the MOCA Teens and explore Virtual Teen Night on our website especially created by teens for teens: See you all next year!

Photo by Grant Terzakis 2024.

Photo by Grant Terzakis 2024.

The Long-Term Impact of Teen Programs

Photo by Raymundo Barrera, courtesy of The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

Photo by Raymundo Barrera, courtesy of The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

MOCA teamed up with The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Walker Art Center, and the Contemporary Art Museum, Houston to investigate the long-term impacts of their intensive teen programs. What happens after teens leave the program?

How many pursue jobs in the arts? How did their participation affect their lives and their relationship to contemporary art? The findings are powerful. 95% of study respondents reported that their time in the teen program was either one of the most or the most significant experiences of their lives to date.

Read the full report here.