MOCA members are among the first to see new exhibitions. Come by for an exclusive preview day before the members’ opening. With Pleasure: Pattern and Decoration in American Art 1972–1985 is the first full-scale scholarly survey of the groundbreaking American art movement, encompassing works in painting, sculpture, collage, ceramics, installation art, and performance documentation. Covering the years 1972 to 1985 and featuring approximately fifty artists from across the United States, the exhibition examines the Pattern and Decoration movement’s defiant embrace of forms traditionally coded as feminine, domestic, ornamental, or craft-based and thought to be categorically inferior to fine art. Open House: Gala Porras-Kim, the second exhibition in the Open House series, explores how the history of art is built from remnants and fragments of information from the past. Specifically, Porras-Kim explores how our indexes or records are often flawed or willfully misdirected and how these gaps and lapses in human knowledge have supported colonialist endeavors and global inequality.

Exhibition opening event for Lauren Halsey: we still here, there at MOCA Grand Avenue on March 3, 2018. Photo by Sean MacGillivray.
Members' Preview Day: With Pleasure and Open House
Member EventProgram

Friday, Oct 25, 2019 11am
Members' Preview Day: With Pleasure and Open House
MOCA members are among the first to see new exhibitions. Come by for an exclusive preview day of With Pleasure: Pattern and Decoration in American Art 1972–1985 and Open House: Gala Porras-Kim before the members’ opening.