Join us for readings by poets Marie Buck and Anna Vitale. Buck is the author of Portrait of Doom and Goodnight, Marie, May God Have Mercy on Your Soul. She recently completed a doctoral dissertation on pamphlets of the Black Power and Women’s Liberation movements. Vitale is a writer and performer interested in psychoanalysis, music, and improvisation. Her most recent book is Detroit Detroit. These readings are part of a series presented in conjunction with the exhibition storefront: THIS KNOWN WORLD: Spontaneous Particulars of the Poetic Research Bureau.
The program is generously supported by William and Ruth True – Gramma Poetry.

Anna Vitale and Marie Buck, photo by Marie Buck
Marie Buck and Anna Vitale

Sunday, Apr 23, 2017 3pm
Marie Buck and Anna Vitale
Join us for readings by poets Marie Buck and Anna Vitale in conjunction with the exhibition storefront: THIS KNOWN WORLD: Spontaneous Particulars of the Poetic Research Bureau.