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​Lupe, Jose Rodriguez-Soltero

Lupe, Jose Rodriguez-Soltero (1966) 16mm, color, 49.5 min., courtesy of THE NEW AMERICAN CINEMA GROUP / THE FILM-MAKERS’ COOP

Filmforum: Estrellas de ayer: Latin Camp


​If nostalgia is the impossibility of a return to origin, queer nostalgia is the salvage of a symbolic past. This program proposes a new constellation of Latina/o American fascination with Hollywood starlets: José Rodríguez Soltero’s classic Lupe (1966); the celebration of decadentism in the Colombian film Pasión y Muerte de Margarita Gautier (1964), by Enrique Grau & Luís Ernesto Arocha; and other films that pay homage to Joan Crawford, Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, and Lupe Vélez, replete with campy nods to the star system.