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Bennett Simpson


Join MOCA Senior Curator Bennett Simpson for a walkthrough of the exhibition R. H. Quaytman, Morning: Chapter 30. Consisting primarily of oil painting and silkscreen on precisely constructed wood panels, Quaytman’s expansive project is organized into site-specific exhibitions that she calls “chapters.” A point of departure for Quaytman’s newest cycle of paintings, Morning: Chapter 30, is Michael Heizer’s seminal earthwork Double Negative (1969-70), in MOCA’s collection. As a painter whose works are exclusively site-specific—all produced in response to institutional, geographic, or discursive sites and their related subjects—Quaytman is rigorously engaged in a process of excavation as she digs out histories that are often underrepresented or marginal and, through the sheer beauty of her paintings, compels us to look.
