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Due to the devastating wildfires currently impacting Los Angeles, MOCA Grand Avenue is closed through January 15, 2025. 

1X1 Resignation Clinics with Moriah Evans & Collaborators

Documentation of 1x1 Resignation Clinic at Performance Space New York. Photo by Maria Baranova.

1X1 Resignation Clinics
with Moriah Evans & Collaborators

In conjunction with her performance, Remains Persist, Moriah Evans is offering 1X1 Resignation Clinics.

1X1 Resignation Clinics are 20-minute participatory sessions that prompt participants to investigate and engage in states of resignation. Based on methods of verbal and physical cueing in Remains Persist, the 1X1 Resignation Clinics are an opportunity to connect to one’s self and body.

Intended for up to 3 participants at a time, guests are invited to sign up or simply enter any available time slots. The clinics are free and open to all.

Wonmi’s WAREHOUSE Programs is organized by Alex Sloane, Associate Curator, and is produced by Amelia Charter, Producer of Performance and Programs with Michele Huizar, Programming Assistant, The Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles.

Wonmi's WAREHOUSE Programs is founded by Wonmi & Kihong Kwon and Family.
